Standards & Certifications


NFPA 855 v2023 :

The development of BESS throughout the world has led to the occurrence of accidents resulting in electrochemical fires sometimes accompanied by explosions.

The NFPA 855 standard, which is the standard for the Installation of Stationary Energy Storage System provides the minimum requirements for mitigating the hazards associated with ESS.

The NFPA 855 has been revised in 2023, in order to better mitigate the risks of explosion and fire.

The extract of the standard (right) shows very clearly that from now each ESS should include deflagration panels :

EXTRACT standard NFPA 855 v2023 ESS installed within a room, buiding, ESS cabinet, ESS walk-in unit, or otherwise nonoccupiable enclosure shall be provided with one of the following :

(1) Explosion prevention systems designed, installed, operated, maintained, and tested in accordance with NFPA 69

(2) Deflagration venting installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 68


The VIGILEX explosion vent panels are Atex approved products certified by the French notified body INERIS.

STIF is the only French company to have EU certificate for this kind of products. STIF is also certified ISO 9001 AFAQ.
In the event of an explosion the vent panels are designed to evacuate the pressure in order to protect both the workforce and surrounding facilities. The Vigilex explosion vent panels offer a simple and efficient protection system wich is designed to resist vacuum under cycling conditions and can be used in silos, cyclones, filters units and vessels.


Explosion vent panel standard
EN 14 491 / EN 14 994 / EN 14 797 / EN 1127.1
EU Type examination certificate : INERIS 25ATEX0004X
Production quality assurance notification : INERIS 08ATEXQ406
UL : Silicone gasket UL 50 E – UL157


Explosion vent panel sizing
Sizing according to NFPA68 chapter 7 – V2023
Values based upon the results of UL9540A report
Designed to match each containers’ design
FLACS- simulation

DIRECTIVE : 2014/34/UE


We test the vent panels in our factory according to EN 14 797. These panels are manufactured under the EU examination certificate type INERIS 25ATEX0004X and the quality managment system of the company is certified by the EU quality certification Ineris 08ATEXQ406.

Our range of products are supplied with a certificate of conformity complete with burst test results along with installation guidelines.